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Unusual opportunity to acquire this well-established structured wiring systems provider covering installation, maintenance and upgrades for telephone, tannoy and data systems from home to large government department use. This is a provider of structured wiring / cabling and systems for household, telephone, data, fibre optics, voice and tannoy systems, covering supply, installation, repairs, maintenance, extensions, moves and upgrades. All system requirements are catered for with the exception of electrical and audio visual. Some income is also derived from line rental and call packages, which also includes recurring revenue, using a third party provider. This is not currently significant but does represent an opportunity for future growth. Based in offices in Oxfordshire, there are six full time and two part time staff, including the owners, who wish to retire. Most staff are ex BT and have a wealth of experience on systems, and, importantly, the ongoing complexities of existing client infrastructures. There are around 60 regular clients, 50 of which have maintenance contracts in place. The majority of work, c85%, is repeat, including one significant government body that makes up a large proportion of all sales. There is no proactive sales effort and plenty of other opportunities to grow the business further. The business has a strong track record of profitability, with sales in the last year in excess of £500,000 with an operating profit approaching 20% Offers are invited for the company to include all assets and goodwill on a cash free debt free basis.
A full profile is available once a non disclosure agreement has been signed.
All enquires to Kevin Stokes at City Business Brokers,111 Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham,B16 8LB Telephone-0121 452 5133 07775903332