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Great opportunity to own a well established business on a very busy location .
Currently enjoying a weekly turnover of £3500 with a total cost base of £2600 this offers a good working profit for a owner /manager
Included in the rent of £16000 is an apartment above the shop which is currently occupied and offers the owner a weekly rent of £200
Opening hours are 7 days and from 11-11pm with a staff ratio of 3 full timers and 2 part timers .
The facility also boasts a seating area of up to 25 seats and was awarded a 5 star rating by the local council only last month .
Offers are invited around £79000
A full profile is available once a non disclosure agreement has been signed.
All enquiries to Kevin Stokes at City Business Brokers,111 Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham,B16 8LB Telephone-0121 452 5133 07775903332
All above information is provided by the seller. City Business Brokers makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of this information.
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