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Property Details
This is a very well established concern which enjoys all the considerable commercial advantages of a fantastic trading position within a well known Town in South Warwickshire The shop has been in business for a number of years and with the present owner for 14 years and this is a genuine sale. Operating from substantial, secure and extremely well fitted one storey premises the business currently primarily conducts a popular retail operation of an extensive selection of bridal gowns and associated accessories all displayed to its very best advantage in a bright, spacious and well appointed showroom area. The sale comes complete with all fixtures , fittings and equipment and stock circa £20000 ! . Potential to grow by opening longer hours , employ a seamstress, consider menswear , evening gowns and prom dresses and be totally owner run . Financial Information The current turnover is in the region of £30000 per annum.
Rent The rent equates to only £350 per month. Business Rates The business rates are zero per annum.
Trading Hours Wednesday – Saturday 10am – 5 pm Tuesday and Thursday by appointment only
Property Description This Bridal showroom is located on a busy main street just off the main shopping street and close to all major car parking The entrance into the premises leads to the main sales and display area. Inside the shop there is a stunning array of wedding dresses and other accessories paraded around the shop in an open plan fashion. Window displays are on show which helps attract customers into the showroom. The business is well fitted throughout and a valuable inventory of equipment is to be included in the sale price.
# If you are looking for your first business this is perfect ! low cost base and can be owner run with a Saturday part timer .
Viewing Arrangements All arrangements to view are strictly by an appointment through the offices of City Business Brokers and no approaches whatsoever should be made to the owner or the business. For an appointment to view, telephone 0121 452 5133 /07775903332
All above information is provided by the seller. City Business Brokers makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of this information
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