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Property Details
#Stock extra
This is a very well established concern which enjoys all the considerable commercial advantages of a highly visible and much sought-after trading position among other complementary outlets on an arcade/high street location in this much sought after central location.
Operating from substantial, secure and extremely well fitted two storey parade premises with close parking, the business currently primarily conducts a popular retail operation of an extensive selection of high quality brand greeting cards for all occasions displayed to their very best advantage in a bright, spacious and well-appointed showroom area.
The business also stocks an excellent choice of associated gift items, gift bags, wrapping paper, Party& Printed Stationary and would naturally furnish any enthusiastic purchaser with ample scope for continued growth, not least with regard to still further expansion of the retail products and services currently provided and to operate considerably extended hours in order to fully exploit year-round local retail demand.
.The business would also benefit by adopting a more vigorous marketing policy of its excellent existing products, particularly with reference to the possible introduction of online advertising( for hand bags , scarves and jewellery especially) , in order to improve upon the already very respectable levels of turnover and profitability it is achieving in the hands of the current proprietor, we would strongly recommend the earliest possible viewing to avoid disappointment.
Financial Information
Current yearly takings in the region of £151000 pa with reasonable profit and scope to increase.
The premises are being offered with the benefit of a flexible lease, new lease is available
The current rent stands at £20000 per year
We are advised that the Business Rates payable currently stand at £8000 pa and a service charge of £6500 pa
Trading Hours
Monday 9.30-2pm Tues to Sat 9.30-4pm
Sunday Closed
v A prime trading position in a well shopping location
v Stylish shop with cellar storage
v Consistently levels of turnover and profitability
v Long established reputation and regular customer base
v High volume of year round passing trade
v Lots of further potential – online selling of bags , scarves and jewellery
v New secure lease
v Priced for genuine sale
v Early viewing essential
All above information is provided by the seller. City Business Brokers makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of this information
Viewing Arrangements All arrangements to view are strictly by an appointment through the offices of City Business Brokers and no approaches whatsoever should be made to the owner or the business. For an appointment to view, please complete the form below or telephone 0121 452 51330121 452 5133 / 07775903332
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