Flower shop Stourbridge Interflora


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Property Details

This is a very well established concern which primarily conducts a popular independent retail operation of an extensive selection of traditional seasonal fresh flowers and arrangements for all occasions.

Run at present by our Client who has laid the most solid of commercial foundations for any new owner in terms of facilities, reputation and goodwill since establishing the business some 16 successful years ago with the aid only of a small experienced and motivated team of  full time and part time assistants who would be an asset to any purchaser, this would present a truly outstanding opportunity for anyone with some appropriate product knowledge seeking a superbly located, fully equipped and locally valued going concern furnishing considerable scope for continued growth and increased profitability in a specialist retail and service sector of consistent high demand and we would unreservedly recommend a viewing ( Vehicle included !! )

Financial Information Current turnover in the region of £165000 per annum with scope to increase.

Lease The premises are being offered with the benefit of a either a continuation of the existing lease (two and a half years ) or indeed a New lease with terms to be agreed . (Full Repairing Lease )

Rent The commencing rent would be £10700 per annum

Business Rates We are advised that the Business Rates are approximately £820 pa

Payroll – Staff £28087 p

Trading Hours Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm Saturday 9am – 5pm

Property Description The business operates from substantial and well maintained mid terrace parade premises which enjoy all the considerable commercial advantages of a prominent trading position among numerous other complementary outlets on a very busy main road through the prosperous and densely populated Stourbridge area of West Midlands/Worcestershire Border

Ground Floor Extremely well fitted throughout and presented to high contemporary specifications, the business accommodation briefly comprises a single fronted entrance into the main, bright, good sized and well appointed retail sales and customer service showroom area with suspended ceiling and inset spot lighting which houses a full range of modern high quality display furniture and shelving in addition to a prominent fully equipped display point of sale counter area with electronic till etc. The main showroom area in turn affords doorway access through to a fully equipped flower preparation area housing ample work surfaces with further ancillary accommodation consisting of a fully fitted shop kitchen area with sink unit etc and doorway access to the rear yard (large building for conditioning and preparation of flowers )

First Floor/Second Floor

Currently used as storage and a staff room

Fixtures & Fittings The business is well fitted throughout and a valuable inventory of equipment is to be included in the sale price. (£3000)

Real potential – to add to current product range , Wedding Fayre , website utilisation/order on-line facility , Sunday and greater penetration in local businesses .

Viewing Arrangements All arrangements to view are strictly by an appointment through the offices of City Business Brokers and no approaches whatsoever should be made to the owner or the business. For an appointment to view, please complete the form below or telephone 0121 452 5133 / 07775903332


Note: Library images may have been used for display purposes

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