Well known Café for sale in Bridgnorth


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Property Details

Operating from well fitted and presented premises, the business currently primarily offers a full and varied in-house takeaway menu of classic hot and cold food , snacks, sandwiches, lunches, side orders, pastries and beverages prepared freshly to order in its fully equipped catering facilities and served in the pleasant surroundings of an attractively furnished dining areas which may comfortably accommodate up to 30 covers. There is scope for continued growth, not least with regard to a degree of menu and product expansion, the possible provision of local delivery and outside catering services .

If an alcohol licence was applied for it would give the new owner the opportunity to enjoy early evening trade  ie Bistro /Cocktail Bar !

The business would also benefit greatly by adopting a far more vigorous marketing policy of its excellent existing facilities and services, particularly with reference to the introduction of on-line advertising and ordering in order to improve upon the already high levels of turnover and profitability it has achieved since being established in its present form some twenty successful years ago and by the current owner(2years ) and we would strongly recommend the earliest possible viewing to avoid disappointment.

Financial Information Current turnover in the region of £1500 per week + with huge scope to increase – Lease The premises are being offered with the benefit of a secure  lease .Alternatively a new lease can be negotiated. Rent The current rent stands at approximately £16000 per year. Trading Hours Tuesday  to Saturday– 9am – 4pm closed Sunday and Monday   Staff – 1full time and 1part time staff plus Saturday students

The business is well fitted throughout and a valuable inventory of equipment is to be included in the sale price Financial (Accounts ) will  be discussed at an appropriate meeting Reason for sale is personal circumstances

All enquires to Kevin Stokes at kevstokes@citybusinessbrokers.co.uk City Business Brokers,111 Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham,B16 8LB Telephone-0121 452 51330121 452 5133   07775903332

All above information is provided by the seller. City Business Brokers makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of this information.


Note: Library images may have been used for display purposes

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